Trying to change and getting no lasting results can lead to a loss of confusion and frustration. How do you explain those moments you randomly sabotage all your hard work when you know you shouldn’t? Or better, how do you explain how some people can stick to a program easily when others stumble and fall?
This happens due to two reasons:
You try to change things in the wrong order.
The way you try to change those things is also wrong.
As it turns out, all the great and inspiring clients and athletes of the world, all think, and behave the same way, and it’s the complete opposite to everyone else.
We will address both of these points, and I’ll illustrate this in a way we can all understand. It’s probably the world’s simplest idea. I call it the way of our world. This little idea explains why some can succeed where others can’t.
The Way of Our World
Imagine an enormous globe that is your whole world. The way our world is it has three layers, all rotating together in the same direction. To change our world’s direction of rotation, we must alter these three layers to spin in a new direction. Let’s define the layers quickly.
Credit to Simon Sinek and James Clear for their views on leadership and habits to inspire this model of thinking.
Everyone knows WHAT behaviors they want to change, eat less, move more, stop smoking, etc.
Some people dive another level deeper into HOW they do it, how to manage calories, macro breakdown, meal timing, and gym routines.
But very few will go down into the core of their identity of WHO they are now and who they want to become. This level is concerned with changing your beliefs, your self-image, and how you judge yourself and others. Most of the beliefs and biases you hold are down on this level.
WHAT, is the outcome of the change you achieve. HOW is the processes to achieve it. WHO is the core of your identity, who you are, why you do things, and what you believe. When it comes to affecting change within yourself that lasts, all these layers are important in their own way, the problem is that most people try to alter them in the wrong way.
Most people try to tackle change by addressing WHAT things they do at a surface level, changing what they do, but only affecting the surface level. Imagine trying to grab the whole world in an attempt to alter its spin. That’s no easy task. This approach is called a surface-level, outcome-based mindset.
Changing the right things in the right order.
When it comes to building a foolproof system of success – we must start from our very core, and work outwards. Instead of beginning a transformation by focusing on WHAT we want to achieve and working from the outside going in – we first focus on WHO we wish to become and work from the inside out. This is the key difference to everyone else.
Adjusting our beliefs is a core-level, identity-based mindset. Our habits and behaviors must be identity-based, not goal-based. We exist, get out of bed in the morning, and push ourselves to the gym even if we don’t want to sometimes, not because we have some randomly chosen target to achieve, but because it’s who we are and who we want to become.
“Get the mind right, and the body will follow”. – Greg Plitt
We are Biologically Programmed this way
Here’s the best part, none of what I’m telling you is my opinion. It’s all grounded in biology. Not psychology, biology. If we look at a cross-section of the human brain from the top down, what we see is the human brain is broken into three major components that corollate perfectly with the way of our world.
Our newest brain, our homo-sapian brain, our neocortex, corresponds with the WHAT level. The neocortex is responsible for all our rational and analytical thought and language. The middle two sections make up our limbic brains, which are responsible for all of our feelings, like desire, self-esteem, judgment, and care. It’s responsible for all human behavior, and all decision-making, and it has no capacity for language.
The Conscious Mind
The deliberate “thinking” part of the mind. It is constantly observing the world through your five senses, and rationalizing the information into logical conclusions.
Logical and rational processing.
Forefront of our awareness.
Verifies and crosschecks information.
“Thinking” part of the brain.
Deliberate decisions.
Behaviour prompted mindfully.
The Subconscious Mind
The “automatic” part of your mind. Ideas programmed into your subconscious “computer” are believed to be true and will drive your behaviour.
Memories and habits processing.
Background organ functions.
Forms concepts and beliefs.
“Automatic” part of the brain.
Preprogrammed decisions.
Behaviour on autopilot.
To reprogram your mind for healthy habits on autopilot, superior self control, and disciplined behaviours, we will focus on the subconscious half of your mind. I’ll introduce how your subconscious works, and then help you optimise it by unlearning and relearning a few key ideas.
The new you from the inside out
How your Subconscious Mind Works
One Idea at a Time
Your subconscious makes sense of the world around you by breaking everything down into ideas, concepts and categories. When you see something new, your brain doesn’t ask, “What is this?”; it asks, “What is this like?” It looks back on your existing mind bank to see if anything matches with what you are seeing and experiencing right now.
For Example, What is this?
As you look at the photo, your brain is trying to make sense of the black and white blobs. It’s sifting through its archive of preprogrammed concepts and ideas, making thousands of guesses and weighing the probabilities to find a category to put the picture in.
Now, click the button to look at the following picture:
Now, go back to the previous picture. You can probably see the answer clearly. But what changed?
The image is the same as before, but now you have matched it to an already known concept in your brain. You’ve gained a “mental lens” that allows your brain to see the image for how it really appears. This process is so automatic, that you probably can’t go back to how you saw it before, even if you tried.
Creating and matching these concepts is much easier than trying to figure out what everything is from scratch. Instead of recalling every memory you’ve had with a “snake,” your brain has created the concept of a snake. The next time you see a snake, your brain matches that experience with your concept of a snake to understand what is being seen.
Your Subconscious is Constantly Guessing Concepts
We Guess our experience, and then experience it
Snippet from the movie "Inception" (2010).
“We create and perceive our world simultaneously, and our mind does this so well, that we don’t even know it’s happening.” – Cobb, portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio, Inception (2010).
In a world of incomplete, ambiguous information, our brain is constantly guessing what is happening or what is about to happen. It is repeatedly trying to match these preprogrammed ideas and past memories with your present experience to then guess or predict what you will feel and experience next.
We can’t tell the difference between something that is predicted in our mind or actually happening, so in our mind’s eye, these guesses are all experienced as real to us. What we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell become our creation of the world, not our reaction to it.
The same happens with our concept of emotions. For example, on your way down a poorly-lit street at night, your brain begins predicting something dangerous is nearby and anticipates the fear you will soon be feeling when you see it. Our body even releases adrenalin and our heart rate increases in anticipation of running away. This means you are already experiencing fear before the event has occurred, if it ever occurs.
What Happens when the Brain Guesses Wrong?
Faulty Ideas in your Programming
Your brain will continue to believe an idea, or a trust a prediction until proven otherwise. Your brain can change its prediction if new information comes in (e.g. shine a flashlight down the street and see that no danger was ever there). But it’s just as likely for your brain to do the opposite: stick with the original prediction and filter the incoming data so that it matches the prediction.
What can start as a minor negative thought, an incorrect guess, or a misguided idea in the subconsious mind, can quickly grow into a highly damaging self-belief.
An Example of Faulty Programming
Suppose you went to a friend’s birthday dinner party. You promised yourself you would honor your new commitment to eat healthy foods. But at the birthday, you had way more food and drinks than planned.
Your conscious mind is shocked and confused, and thinks this:
“I can’t believe I did that! Why don’t I have any willpower or self-control?”
Your subconscious mind isn’t confused at all.
It ran the programmed concept of a social event. From previous experience, it predicted that plenty of tasty foods and drinks would be required to fully enjoy the experience, so it automatically drove your behavior to eat and drink accordingly.
Now you feel bad because you had a lapse of self-control. Your conscious mind mulls over it, replaying the experience in your head as you berate yourself. Your subconscious mind listens to your conscious thoughts and gets the following faulty idea in your head:
“I struggle with willpower and self-control around food.”
To cope with the mental regret and physical stress in your body, your subconscious remembers behaviors that provide self-medication and makes this next faulty prediction:
“By eating comfort food, I will feel better placed to deal with things.”
This altered behavior means you become less motivated to eat healthy food and turn to comfort food to feel better. But instead, you now feel even worse than before. You’ve justconfirmed your initial faulty ideawith this new evidence in the following way:
“I just did it again. I really can’t control myself.”
That initial ideahas now grown into this final solid belief that will define your ongoing behaviors into the future:
“I am a failure, a powerless victim to food control.”
OBSERVATION:At a birthday party, I ate more food than planned.
NEGATIVE SELF-TALK: “I can’t believe I did that! Why don’t I have any willpower or self-control?”
CREATES FAULTY IDEA:“I struggle with willpower and self-control around food.”
LEADS TO PREDICTION: “I need to self-medicate to help my body feel better.”
AFFECTED BEHAVIOUR: Less motivation to eat healthy food, desire for comfort food.
SUPPORTING EVIDENCE: “I did it again. I really can’t control myself.”
RESULTS IN DAMAGING BELIEF: “I am a failure, a powerless victim to food control.”
See how this becomes a relentless feedback loop of negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Each feeling drives the next thought, the next behaviour, which fuels more negative feelings. The brain dwells on negative past experiences and thus keeps draining the body of energy. In effect, the body and mind are locked into a cycle of uncorrected predictions, trapped in an adverse past that continues to fuel and grow a powerfully damaging self-belief of self-sabotage. Here’s another example:
OBSERVATION:After one week on a weight loss program, your weight has not changed.
NEGATIVE SELF-TALK: “I am not progressing. Why isn’t this working?”
CREATES FAULTY IDEA: “The diet isn’t working. I can’t do this.”
LEADS TO PREDICTION: “This diet will fail. I will fail.”
AFFECTED BEHAVIOR: Less motivation to stick to the diet or exercise.
SUPPORTED EVIDENCE: “I knew it. I’ve failed again. A week later and my weight is higher!”
RESULTS IN DAMAGING BELIEF: “I won’t ever lose the weight. I am a failure.”
This person has created a faulty idea about what they think the reading on the scales mean, not considering that something else could be causing it.
This faulty idea creates self-fulfilling prediction: the more someone expect to fail, the more their behavior sets them up for failure, and the more likely you are to experience it. Even on a neurological level, people create their own reality.
A belief is a strongly held idea that directs your behavior and personality.
We essentially experience a world of our own creation, held in check by bits of sensory input.
In a sense, our brains are wired for delusion. It doesn’t matter if an idea helps you or hurts you; once you believe it strongly enough, it will filter your perception and direct your attention. This closed loop means the brain only sees what it believes and then believes what it sees.
Apart from religious and spiritual beliefs, self-identity beliefs can be the most powerful of all. If you say to yourself, “I overeat sometimes,” that is a belief about a behavior. But if you say to yourself, “I am an overeater” it’s a belief about your identity, which is much harder to change than a behaviour.
Your beliefs define you as a person and are powerful…very powerful. If you have a self-damaging belief, thinking you’re a failure or a victim of something powerless to control, it can totally change your life.
Beliefs are powerful influencers
Beliefs of a personal nature rank very highly as they represent you as a person. If you value your health and fitness as a high priority in your life, it will massively impact how you behave from day to day.
Some people won’t eat meat because they don’t like the idea of killing animals; others don’t eat artificial sweeteners because they consider them poison.
Beliefs come from anywhere, especially from people who you trust and look up to.
Beliefs affect everything, your relationships, behavior, health, your capability and even your identity.
Once fully formed, a belief is very hard to break.
People ignoreanything that doesn’t agree with their beliefs.
Behaviour is the truest indicator of what you believe at the deepest level.
The Placebo Effect – Belief-Power in Action
Dr Bruce Moseley at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston made medical history testing different surgical knee procedures in a placebo study. Patients suffering crippling knee pain were divided into three groups.
The first group were given a procedure that involved washing out the inside of the knee joint.
The second group had another procedure that smoothens the knee cartilage.
The third group were given anaesthesia like the other two groups, but then Dr Moseley conducted a completely fake surgery by making identical incisions to cut the knee open and then sewed up the cuts forty minutes later, after doing absolutely nothing to the knee.
The results were astonishing to everyone. All three groups experienced the same outcome; they recovered and their condition significantly improved.
The study was later published in the New England Journal of Medicine in July 2002, where Dr Moseley concluded all three results were due to the placebo effect. This study proved the power of the mind and how it can work miracles simply from the power of belief.
Dreams feel real while we’re in them . . .
How to Wake Up
and see beliefs for what they truly are
“It’s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.” – Cobb.
Quote from the movie "Inception" (2010).
Beliefs Are Not Facts
Beliefs are simply ideas and guesses of what’s going on and how you are performing. Now that you understand how beliefs in your subconscious work, it’s time to:
1 – Become aware of which beliefs hold you back.
2 – Question, challenge and weaken these beliefs.
3 – Replace them with new beliefs that drive you forwards.
We will install new behaviors into your belief system to make healthy living a natural and easy way of life.
As you recalibrate yourself, you’ll see how quality nutrition and training provides you with powerful muscles, a lean physique, unbounded energy, and vitality of life.
You won’t have to force yourself to be healthy – you’ll crave it!
Do I really have self-sabotaging beliefs?
If you’ve ever tried a program before, started with the best of intentions, but found yourself procrastinating, skipping workouts, making excuses, and repeatedly falling off the wagon, the problem wasn’t the plan; it was because you missed the mental training, and you still have faulty beliefs that hold you back from your goals.
This can feel unsettling, but we must bring attention to our inner thoughts and become aware of our faulty beliefs. Some you may be aware of, but most are buried so deeply, you don’t even know you have them.
If you are experiencing inconsistency or self-sabotage, then there ARE faulty ideas present in your head. Take an open, honest, and critical look at yourself.
Ask yourself:
“What is preventing me from change?”
“What is causing me to remain this way?”
Let your inner thoughts complete the following:
“I feel I can’t do this because:”
I need comfort food to feel better.
I have no motivation or willpower.
I have bad genetics.
I have a slow metabolism.
I can’t control my eating.
I have an injury / medical problem, so it’s impossible.
I don’t know how to cook / workout.
I’m too old.
I have one bite, but then I can’t stop.
I don’t have time.
I’ve got kids and a job to worry about.
When I try, I always fail.
Cardio is always boring.
There are no gyms near me.
I can’t afford expensive food or gym memberships.
I used to be able to, but now I can’t.
I can’t be that disciplined.
I don’t want to track calories.
It ruins my social life.
Maybe we want to eat better, but don’t want the feeling of deprivation. Maybe we want to get stronger and fitter but without the pain and discomfort of going to the gym.
The Problem with Negative Self-Talk
“The more you dwell on what you don’t want, the more of it you create” – Louise Hay, metaphysical writer.
You are what you tell yourself, you are what you think about, and you are what you believe. If you focus on putting yourself down and what you’re trying to avoid, you’re actually programming your mind to get more of it.
Also notice how these inner thoughts use black or white dogmatic words such as “always”, “never”, “can’t”, and “impossible”. Many of them also focus completely on what they hate about themselves and what they want to get rid of.
If I ask you to close your eyes and not to think about monkeys, you’ll (mentally) see monkeys everywhere. You can’t NOT think about something!
You either think about something or you don’t. And you always move toward what you think about the most, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative.
“Draw your attention to the strangeness of the dream.” – Cobb.
Once you discover your inner faulty thoughts and conflicting ideas, start to notice how they don’t quite fit within your life aspirations. Question their integrity, usefulness and long term consequences.
Throughout life you’ve picked up ideas that have never served you, but you’ve held on to them ever since. You also adopted old beliefs that served you at one time, such as Santa Clause or the Tooth fairy during childhood, but have lost their usefulness long ago.
You must constantly analyze your belifs to see if they still have or have ever had any utility. As you do so, you’ll surprise yourself to how strange they are within your world.
Ask yourself:
“Does this belief hurt me, limit me, serve no useful purpose, or keep me from getting to what I want?”
“What are the consequences and the costs of holding onto this idea?”
Sometimes realising the negative consequences of holding onto faulty beliefs and behaviors are all it takes to break them. If a doctor tells you that you won’t live to see your kids grow up unless you improve your lifestyle habits, that can be a seriously powerful motivator for change.
Take personal responsibility, create possibilities, make choices and win-win scenarios in each of these situations. Look at the examples below with an open mind. Challenge the old faulty idea, break it down and clear your mind to pave the way for new beliefs that support your leaner, healthier lifestyle.
``I have no time``
You’ll never have enough time to do all the things you want, but you’ll always be able to make time for what’s important. Health and fitness must have our highest priority, because, without your health, you have nothing.
``I must give up my favourite foods``
Where did you get that idea? Some of the leanest and healthiest people in the world still enjoy cake, ice cream, chocolate, pizza, burgers, and more. They enjoy them in small amounts and only during special occasions.
``I have bad genetics``
Genetics aren’t the problem. It’s your environment and your behaviors. Your body is much more capable than you give it credit for and as soon as you open your mind to that possibility, your potential for greatness becomes limitless.
``I don't want to be working out all the time``
The less time you spend on your personal health and wellbeing, the less time you’ll have in this world. Quality nutrition and exercise enhance and prolong your life, providing you the freedom to enjoy life to its fullest. Those who spend all their time on the sofa watching TV, playing console games and surfing the internet will soon find that is all they are capable of doing in their later years.
``I have kids / others I need to take care of``
You can’t care or help anyone if you don’t take care of yourself first. But this isn’t an either / or situation. You can still take care of yourself AND the others around you. A lot of parents make sure their kids eat healthy food and live an active lifestyle but don’t do it themselves. Make health and fitness a family and social environment where everyone can enjoy the benefits and pleasure that a healthy active life provides.
``I've got a physical / medical condition stopping me``
Something like a foot injury can lead people to believe they can’t do any exercise at all, or even more crazy, that they can’t follow a healthy meal plan. You should always follow the advice of your doctor, but many common injuries only prevent activity around those joints. Turn your “Can’t do” attitude into a “Can Do” attitude. Ask yourself, “What CAN I do,” or “what can I do INSTEAD”.
``I love food too much``
Nutritious, wholesome foods can be prepared in delicious ways. Open your mind to the new possibility of enjoying natural, quality foods that not only promote fat burning and muscle growth, but also are much tastier and more satisfying.
``It will ruin my social life``
That’s just silly. Firstly, you can eat anything you like for enjoyment or social reasons as long as you do it consciously and mindfully. Secondly, exercise is incredibly social as it allows you to meet new people and gives you, your friends and family a great opportunity for spending time together.
``I'm too old``
I have seen countless people fifty, sixty or older that have gotten fitter, leaner, healthier and happier. If you do a quick online search, you’ll find pages and images full of elderly people with no abs before and six pack abs a few months later.
``If I can't do it perfectly, I won't do it at all``
If you want long term health and happiness then you must find your own “balance” with food and fitness. When you give yourself permission to eat “treat foods” with family, social gatherings, holidays, and to simply enjoy yourself, you can enjoy a healthy relationship with food.
``It's too expensive``
If you keep spending all your money, month after month on worthless “miracle” supplements, workout programs, gimmicks and equipment that all claim to make you slim, then yes it’s very expensive! Do you want to know what’s more expensive? Add up the all the costs of legitimate expenses like natural food, gym memberships and so on, and compare that to your doctor’s bill when you’re sick for decades.
``No one will help or support me``
Studies say your income will be approximately equal to the average of your 5 closest friends. I also believe that your health (your greatest wealth), and your physical condition will be about equal to the average of your 5 closest friends. It’s really hard to stay positive, focused, healthy and active when you’re surrounded by critical people and negative influences. Training buddies can be found online, support forums have been around for years, new friends are at the gym waiting for you.
Further Reading...
Article - "Stop Holding Yourself Back"
How are you holding yourself back from your goals? Learn more about your attitude and perspective. There’s no denying it affects your physical life.
“Do you want to take a leap of faith?” – Sato, portrayed by Ken Watanabe, Inception (2010).
If someone tells you that something isn’t true, the next question becomes, so what is the truth then?
When we remove a faulty idea, we need to replace it with a corrected idea that allows us to still make sense of things. Your brain is now ready and willing to accept any new ideas you choose:
Ask yourself:
“What beliefs would be most useful for me to have?”
“What beliefs will help me get what I want?”
Examples of new beliefs
``I have no time``
“I can make time for what I know is important to me.”
``I must give up my favourite foods``
“I can still enjoy my favourite foods while making progress.”
``I have bad genetics``
“I can’t change my genetics, but I can change my behaviours.”
Your newly helpful ideas will help you to open your eyes to the bigger picture of your life. From here, you’ll be able to establish seven of the key high-level beliefs that enable change to be possible and sustainable for a lifetime.
The Seven Beliefs of Success
Belief of Possibility - ``It's Achievable``
If you believe it’s possible, you behave as if it’s possible. Instead of thinking it’s impossible, start thinking it’s impossible to fail! People used to think it was impossible to run a mile in under four minutes, until Roger Bannister did it in 1954. Now it’s a standard for all pro-middle-distance runners. So what changed? The human body? Physics? It was belief. As soon as he did it, others started doing it too. Find your role models, learn from the experience and success of others, and see what’s possible. Even when something hasn’t been done before, doesn’t mean it can’t be done.
Belief of Capability - ``I Can Do It!``
Possibility means it can be done, but capability means it can be done by you! Some people see others being successful and think, “Yeah sure they can do it, but doesn’t mean I could.” Belief in your own capability comes when you look back to your previous success. Remember a time when you did something that you didn’t think it was possible but you did it anyway, and you succeeded. This could be in academics, work, sports, relationships, work, home or anything else. Next, break your long term goals into manageable targets that are less daunting. Start accumulating a list of completed goals and actions and you watch your self-belief build. Never sell yourself short. You are capable of more than you know.
Belief of Urgency - ``The time is now!``
Second by second, you lose the opportunity to become the person you wanna be. You’re not running the day, the day’s running you. It’s only when the pain of staying the same becomes more than the pain of changing, that change actually occurs. You feel that frustration, dissatisfaction and pain build up until that one single moment. “That’s It! I can’t take it any more. Enough is enough.” But you don’t have to reach rock bottom or experience a major health related event for change to be triggered. Just ask yourself “why is now the time that action must be taken?” Use the time you have, make the most of it because who knows how much longer you have. Live your life with no regrets, no wonders of “what if”. Put the work in now, so you never wonder “What if?”. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
Belief of Self Value - ``I'm Doing This for Me``
It’s normal for people to be unsatisfied with the way they look. But your desire to improve yourself is not the same as thinking you’re not good enough as a person. When people constantly dislike their appearance, it can lead to disliking themselves. That’s a dangerous road that leads to low self worth, low self esteem, self sabotage, and depression. People can treat themselves, their appearance, their home and others like crap because they don’t think they deserve good things in life. Remember that things can change. Your most valuable piece of real estate, is the body you live in. This is the house you’ll live in for the rest of your life. You can modify and improve it, or you can treat it like crap. People are like “ah it’s too much effort to go to the gym, really a whole hour workout each day? No I think I’ll just keep living on the streets of life, instead of the mansions of life.” You got one house to live in. What kind of house do you want to live in?
Belief of Desire - ``I want it!``
The difference between someone who is successful and someone who is not successful isn’t from their difference in ability, it’s their difference in desire. Everything you value in life, your family, your finances, your career, your friends, all depend on you being in good health. Life is a story of action and we all want to be someone of principal, remembered after we are gone. If you don’t take action, you’re just a secondary character in the story of someone else’s life. That’s not living. Don’t be the spectator of the story, be the hero of the story. Your story. Your success.
Belief of Completion - ``This is happening!``
Expecting results is the power behind the placebo effect. When you take action and expect results from it, you will almost always get it. All you need is a little imagination. Your imagination is a preview of your life’s future. If you can’t honestly imagine what you can become, don’t ever expect to be able to look in the mirror and see it. If you can really see it for yourself and you believe it with unwavering faith that it can become a reality, then your mind will make your body take the steps needed to make it happen. We are what we repeatedly do every day. Whatever you’re doing, is what you become. Therefore the excellence that we strive for every day, giving 100% of ourselves for it, commitment, effort, it’s not an accident. It’s not luck, or genetics or circumstance that defines lasting success, it’s repeated hard earned efforts into lasting results. Success isn’t an accident. It’s a habit, a life.
Belief of Will - ``Let's Do This!``
Your ultimate success will come from how willing you are to do what it takes. People want something for nothing, they want the quick fix, but rapid gains results in rapid loss. We see it everywhere. Lottery winners quickly lose their money and end up worse off. Fad diet extremists on the biggest loser challenges gain all their fat back plus extra. Life’s never gonna give it to you on a silver platter so stop looking for that magical supplement, that quick fix diet, that easy way out. It doesn’t exist. You gotta wish it, dream it, want it, need it, and then you gotta follow that up with action and do it.
Hungry? Good! That’s the feeling of fat melting off your body. Sore after an intense workout? Good! Thats the feeling of muscles getting bigger and stronger. Nervous from starting new things that are uncomfortable and new? Good! That’s how you feel when you are improving yourself for the better. Enjoy being uncomfortable, for there you are outside your comfort zone and on the way to a higher quality realm of living. One hour of pain, produces a lifetime of pride. Through that desire and hard work, the pain leaves, the weakness leaves. What comes in? Pride. Take pain as your coach of encouragement. If you bet on yourself, you’ll never lose. Bet on yourself and watch your legacy build. Pay your dues, sacrifice, sweat, action, change, improvement. That’s a good life. A life remembered. That’s the life I want you to live.
Changes in your beliefs have already started to occur
By simply reading this far, you can feel your attitude, mindset and beliefs starting to change for the better. Even though changes in your appearance and overall lifestyle will take time, your beliefs are already changing. Belief is a thousand times more powerful than willpower, because it uses your unconscious mind to automatically trigger thoughts, actions and behaviours to get you to your goals.
Now that your mind is open to the success that awaits you, you are ready for the next stage. This involves some real world mental strategies that combine with my awesome nutrition and training to virtually guarantee success.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr Wayne Dyer
Remember, your subconscious is responsible for how you see and react to the world, like a lens filter over your eyes that affects your view.
Some of us see the world through optimistic glasses and respond to life with positivity and creativity, while others see through a dark, fuzzy lens and are more critical of life. For instance, a high morning weigh could trigger a person to be miserable all day long for no reason. Attitude is a choice that comes from within.
When things go our way, it’s easy to be positive and happy, but when things go against us, it’s tough to be positive and happy. This is where successful people stand apart from the rest. They maintain a healthy mindset in the face of adversity, and they make proactive adjustments for the future.
If your current pair of “mindset glasses” are making things appear distorted and fuzzy, I am here to swap them with a new, stylish pair that allows you to see things as they really are.
This section has helped you reveal the big picture, giving you better perspective. The next section is to help you build up your mental strength and power as you progress into the future.
Just like your body needs physical training, your mind needs it’s own mental training for health and long term success.
In the next section, we will work on your ongoing mental training. This mental program will transform your problems into challenges, failures to feedback, confusion becomes curiosity, and frustration to fascination.
Daily Mental training – Watch your motivation skyrocket and your healthy life run on autopilot.
Losing weight is now seen as burning and shredding fat
Plateaus are seen as signals to adjust things
People don’t quit, they chose to stop
Thinking “I can’t” becomes, “how can I?”
Instead of “I have to workout” is now “I get to workout!”
Further Reading...
Related Articles - Mindset & Motivation
Read all the related articles in this website. These include articles on willpower, holding yourself back, choosing your own path and weight loss made simple.
Watch all the mind and motivation related video content from my YouTube channel. This includes mental programming, visualisation tools, stepping outside your comfort zone, inspiring motivation and more!