Despite everyone trying so hard with strict diets and exercise, two-thirds of the population is now overweight, and it’s just getting worse. So why?
“I wasted years of frustration wondering myself that question.”
Back in my twenties, I desperately tried to eat clean, get fit and lean, and stay that way. But no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t stick to any diet I chose and my weight would always rebound. Every time I started a new diet I would think,
“I can do better this time if I just use more willpower!”
I was determined, but it never worked. It made me angry struggling through diets, but still gaining the weight back again and again, and feeling like a failure.
If only I’d known what I know now, I could have saved myself all that time and money. So here it is…
If You’re Overweight, It’s Not Your Fault
The REAL REASON why more and more people are becoming overweight, going on diets, but still getting fatter over time, is because:
Stay with me here. You’ve probably tried many methods of weight loss and they didn’t work or they only worked temporarily, but if you want to get different results, it’s time to do something different.
What you’re about to see has been in development for over twenty years. It’s what my clients and I have used comfortably for years and what you’ll also be able to enjoy for years to come. Okay, here we go.
WHY Diets make us fat
Lesson 1:
Diets work AGAINST your mind and body, making them difficult to do. Diets make you hungry, tired, and miserable, setting you up for rapid weight regain.
3 ways diets work AGAINST you:
Chronic Deprivation
Long-term deprivation alters your hormones to lower your energy, increase hunger, and give you unbearable cravings.
Emotional Hunger
Diets make you obsess over forbidden foods, which confuses your mind, sets up unhealthy food relationships, and triggers dangerous emotional eating binges.
Self Sabotage
Diet deprivation and restrictions drain willpower and weaken confidence, leading to thoughts of doubt and self-sabotage.
Diets are essentially training courses in deprivation and teaching you to ignore what your body needs.
Lesson 2:
People think difficult diets mean better results. Nope.
Have a look at the diets in this charts below. The more difficult a diet is, the less time the results will last. People can lose weight on these diets, but they can’t keep it off. That’s the problem.
The weight rebound statistics are shocking:
After 1 year, 80% of dieters have regained what they’ve lost.
After 3 years, 95% of dieters have regained all their weight.
Lesson 3:
66% of dieters end up heavier than when they started.
Research confirms people who diet, again and again, end up heavier over time. Dieting also becomes more difficult as your body builds greater resistance to weight loss each time you start.
Oprah is a “yo-yo” dieter.
In 1988 Oprah lost 67 pounds on a diet and appeared on her talk show at 145 lbs, dressed in size 10 jeans. Soon after that, those jeans no longer fit and she had regained 67 pounds that she had lost.
Ever since, her weight has been a roller-coaster, getting heavier every time, as much as 237 lbs in 1992.
215 lbs before, 145 lbs after, 237 lbs after after.
“How did I let this happen again? I’m mad at myself. I’m embarrassed.”
“I’ve been dieting since 1977. The reason I failed is that diets don’t work. I tell people, if you’re underweight, go on a diet and you’ll gain everything you lost plus more. Now I’m trying to find a way to live in a world with food without being controlled by it, without being a compulsive eater. That’s why I say I will never diet again.“
Today we throw out the diet
What have we learned?
If you can’t comfortably and easily enjoy the way they eat, then you won’t stick to it, and it’ll only be a matter of time before you regain all the weight, if not more.
We want simple and easy, with results that last for your whole life.
So just relax, because you’re not crazy, you’re not broken, and you’re not a bad person. You have simply been taught some very unhelpful ways of living.
The good news is that here, you will quickly develop new ways of thinking and acting that will guarantee your success.
“Say Hello to the New You.”
Healthy and Lean for Life
Simple and easy
It’s impossible to change yourself with willpower alone. But my system is so simple and easy, you’ll barely need it anymore. How?
What makes it EASY?
Working WITH your mind and body
Your body WANTS to be strong, fit, and healthy, like all things in nature. Once I show you how to tune into your body’s signals that tell you what to do, you’ll be blown away just how quickly and easily it responds.
Learn to use the natural intelligence of your body to automatically manage your weight loss for you.
Lifestyle habits that are fun, flexible, and suited to your lifestyle.
Eat whatever you want, whenever you want, and still lose weight. I know that seems outrageous, but just watch!
Not only are you going to find this process comfortable, enjoyable, and incredibly satisfying, you’ll get results that YOU KEEP! Because there are no diets, no deprivation, and no giving up any favourite foods you’ll be able to keep looking awesome, feeling awesome, and living a healthy life with ease.
“You don’t even have to believe that it will work. Just follow my instructions and you will not only lose weight but stop obsessing about food forever.”
Survey to clients of George Health conducted in 2019 regarding the ability to maintain weight loss after use of the “George Health Get Fit Forever Program”.
System Breakdown
This is everything you need
- A fit and healthy body.
- A healthy relationship with food.
- All your Favourite Foods.
- All day energy
- Health & Immunity.
- Results that last.
- A fit and healthy body.
- A healthy relationship with food.
- All your Favourite Foods.
- All day energy
- Health & Immunity.
- Results that last.
What’s Else is Included
- How to Program Your Brain For Success
- Training Tips and Techniques
- YouTube Guides
- Useful Daily Tricks
- Social Drinking Guide
- How to Program Your Brain For Success
- Training Tips and Techniques
- YouTube Guides
- Useful Daily Tricks
- Social Drinking Guide
“Time to become the person you wanna be.”